(852) 2711 9930
Corporate Profile - MYOB
MYOB was started in Australia in 1991 and was one of the first businesses to recognize the unique needs of small-to-medium- sized enterprises and equip them with powerful, accessible and affordable business management systems.
In 1993 MYOB began supporting businesses in Asia, and has grown a large base of loyal and successful customers across Asia. The MYOB business in Asia has adapted over this time to continually provide the best products and support for Asian businesses locally.
Along the way MYOB products have won many awards for world class design. MYOB is now the leading provider of business systems to small and medium sized businesses in Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and across Asia, delivering business solutions to over a million businesses and 10,000 accounting practices in the Asia-Pacific region.
The client-centric vision of the company remains the same today as it was the day its founders began their quest to empower business owners almost twenty years ago.
To help make the most of modernizing businesses with MYOB, we offer a wide range of products and services. These include small business accounting, payroll, and retail software, training courses, and technical support programmes.
Additionally, the LCCI-MYOB Computerised Accounting course and HKIAAT-MYOB is taught to thousands of students across Asia each year. Through these programme MYOB has equipped these graduates with superior knowledge and practical skills, which makes them clear employees of choice.
Today, MYOB products are distributed by M Consulting Group Limited in the Hong Kong and Macau region. M Consulting was formed by the former management team of MYOB Hong Kong Limited; our consultants have more than 10 years of MYOB consultancy and training experience.